Angel Medium and Visionary Artist

Dear Beloved Children of the Light, We come forth this day to beam our love and light into your hearts! We sing our frequencies of LOVE into your energy field and that upgrades your entire being on all levels. YOU are upgrading as the Beloved Mother Earth upgrades too. You, Her, Us, We Are Family, we are all interconnected. We are all at the purest level pure love and light. Love is Light, Light is Love. And you are Love, the Mother Earth is Love, and We are Love. We are an interconnected family of One Love One Heart One Light. Dear Ones, we ask for you to Open up and reach out with your hearts to Feel this, to feel these interconnections. You don’t really have to try, because it IS. No ifs and’s or buts, it IS. Believe this Dear Ones! The Veil that once separated us from knowing each other is gone. All ideas of separateness are an illusion. Now we know things are uncomfortable for you at the moment, and many of you are “sick”, are experiencing symptoms of illness. But what if you open up to the idea that you are changing and releasing and re-calibrating to the New Lighter You, and this too shall pass! Dear Ones, please open your hearts and open your love to yourself first. Give loving, kind, and gentle words to yourself. The kindness you show to strangers, give to yourselves. It all begins within, Dear Ones. Remember We are Family. We are here for you and love you beyond your imagination! Call upon us at anytime. Thank you, The Arch Angels

Aquamarine New Earth Flame

Aquamarine New Earth Flame


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