Angel Medium and Visionary Artist

Posts tagged ‘Angel Heart’

We are all around- The New Earth Angels

Dear Beloved Children of the Light! We come forth this day to beam our Love into your Hearts! Dear Ones, we want you to know and to feel that we are all around you at this time. We are all around your planet Earth! We are so close, more so than ever before. As the Earth has raised Her frequency so have you Dear Ones! At one time there was a larger gap between our frequencies, this is no longer true. As you open your hearts, and open to the TRUTH of who you are you raise your frequency! Dear Ones, we are HERE all around you NOW! We ask that you call upon us, say out loud “New Earth Angels come to me now, please help me integrate these New Earth frequencies with ease and grace! I am open for your help on all levels, through all dimensions, across time. Thank you, So be it, Amen.” That is very simple and powerful way to call us in! We love you Dear Ones, but you still are on Earth and Earth is a FREE-WILL zone at this time, so you must call us in and ask for our help! Thank you, The New Earth Angels

New Earth Angels 3

New Earth Angels